Leigh Yates, BIOFARMS

At Biofarms Tasmania we are constantly moving produce bins from our Organic Farms to our Packing Shed.

We have Ute and trailer and HR truck and trailer, last year our truck driver loaned us a Wally Winder for the truck and we found it so good and saved so much time we have now purchased one for the Ute & trailer.

We estimate it will pay for itself in the first few weeks of the new season.

They are good quality and easy to use.

Scott. T. Western Freight Management.

Hello team Wally Winder,

Your strap winder has been a game changer for me in my job. 

No more cramps in hands from winding up 40 straps three times a day. 

It saves me so much time not having to roll 30 straps up by hand.  

Place strap in the slot of the Wally wider and crank away how easy is that. 

Would most definitely recommend Wally Winder to anyone looking for less manual handling when using straps. 

Virtually unbreakable and batteries never run flat as there aren’t any to worry about. 

Thank you very much

Driver Scott Thomas 

Western Freight Management


Heather Brown.

I absolutely love the Wally winder. From having to do over 20 straps per trailer the Wally winder has been a golden asset. From manual rolling the straps by hand from approximately taking 30secs opposed to the Wally winder taking literally 5sec. Easy to use and so small easy to store anywhere. Thank you Wally winder awesome tool. 

Nico. C.

I have 4 Wally Winders now. 1 in each trailer. For the price of them, they are fantastic. Quick & simple to use. Every time another driver at a feedlot sees it, they ask to borrow it to try it out. Saves so much time, and gets the straps tight, even & perfect every time.


The Wally Winder is the best purchase I have made for my friend…A brilliant little gadget for winding straps. Certainly is very well priced. From order to delivery was very quick & efficient. I would recommend the “amazing” Wally Winder to any one looking to save time & money when winding up those load straps.

Ean Irvine, Production Manager, Superior Steel Homes.

Our Company has purchased 3 x Wally Winders to date. Our Company specializes in steel framing homes. Our loads vary from over size to over length, with the amount of straps used to secure the load we have found that not only do Wally Winders save us time, but also money.

Our drivers like it also as it saves time & keeps straps in toolbox tidy and ready to use next load…{Wally Winder is a small price to pay for a saving of 1/2 hour a day tidying up straps}

I highly recommend the Wally Winder to any Transport Company.


It did arrive & very quick.. The Wally Winder is an awesome product, it is very well presented and super easy to use, it so far has saved me heaps of time in packing up when I have finished unloading, getting me to the next job nice quick. Good luck in the future with Wally Winder.